The Saga...
You know what they always say: "I don't see why not..."
In just about any great story, the protagonist starts off in the most unlikeliest of circumstances. Carlos was born in Los Angeles, California and raised in Guanajuato, Mexico. Since a very young age, he has always had a keen interest in the arts. When Carlos was just about 10 years old, his parents; like many people in search of better opportunities, decided to leave their home country behind and permanently move to the United States. Carlos and his family lived in California for a few months before finally settling in Chicago; what has now become Carlos’ true home.
Despite the fact that Carlos was born in the United States; English was his second language. So it is only natural that learning an entire new language was a bit of a struggle. Assimilating to what was supposed to be his “home country” was challenging, especially as a teenager. Maneuvering this whole language barrier thing (surprisingly) turned Carlos into a quiet, reserved, and shy person. Fortunately, while a sophomore in high school, he became familiar with his school’s theater program. Carlos auditioned for his school’s production of Montage 06. An annual series of one-act plays directed by senior students. Due to his language insecurity and nerves, to this day Carlos still has no idea how on earth he got casted but, nonetheless he is happy he did.
After Montage, Carlos obtained a newfound confidence that propelled him to register for every acting class that was available at school. Carlos was ready, motivated and inspired to live, breathe and fully dedicate himself to the arts. Theater was everything to him at the time. But, sadly all good things come to an end. Carlos graduated high school, got accepted into college and had to say goodbye to acting...or so he thought.
A few months into his life as a college student while reorganizing, Carlos spotted a newspaper page sticking out of the garbage can. The page read: “Teatro Aguijon”. Almost immediately after reading the article where said theater was being advertised, he called them. A week later, Carlos auditioned and got casted in his first professional leading role. Thanks to Marcela from Aguijon Theater who advised Carlos to get an agent, he was introduced and signed to Desanti Talents. Since then, Carlos has had the chance to attend to the Taller de Actuacion Sebastian Ligarde (TASL) where he has devoted himself to a few years of Meisner Studies under the guidance of one of Mexico’s most renowned actors, Sebastian Ligarde.
Most recently, Carlos has furthered his acting studies at the Sociedad Actoral Hispanoamericana, (SAH, or known as the Hispanic Actor Society in English) with Miguel Sahid; Univision network’s Chicago acting coach. Moreover, Carlos has also taken voice lessons from talented jazz vocalist, Meghan McKown. To this day, Carlos continues the tale of his own story and enjoys participating in stage productions, student films and commercials in both English and Spanish. However, his story is not over yet. Carlos is continuously working toward making his dreams come true in hopes of one day starring in critically acclaimed theatre productions among other projects. Carlos feels extremely lucky to have been born in this country and at the same time, is very proud of his Mexican roots. Carlos would like to thank his beloved parents for their sacrifice, all their hard work and dedication.
Bio by: Doris Hernandez